Beginning Weigh-In

Every weight loss journey has a beginning and mine begins at 171.8 pounds. Yikes. How did I get here? As a teenager, I never could gain weight. I would eat anything and everything I wanted and never gain a pound. My friends hated it and would tell me that it would catch up to me one day. Boy were they right!

With a starting weight sStarting Weight et, I have a goal in mind. 30 pounds gone. I believe 141 is a realistic weight for me and I can achieve it.

Exercise and meal planning are going to be my methods. I will also be tracking both using I love this app because it has so many restaurant foods already in it and it is really easy to import recipes from online sources. I use it on my phone and on the web so there is no excuse not to log my food.

If you are new to this, I recommend just logging your food for a few weeks and see how much you are eating. You may be surprised at how many calories you are eating! I sure was.

One week later… and I’m off to a good start.

November 18, 2014

Starting Weight, November 11, 2014 — 171.8
Current Weight, November 18, 2014 — 170.8
Goal Weight — 141